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Christy Hemphill

Dear Families,

I thought I would take this opportunity to let families know what EKGA is doing in response to Covid 19. We don’t want to contribute to panic in the community, but we do want to let families know what our approach is. Keeping kids safe is one of our key goals, and having a clean facility is one way we do this.

We have always had very thorough cleaning protocols, and pride ourselves on having a clean gym, however, we have recently upped the cleaning schedule. We are more frequently cleaning mats, equipment, furniture, surfaces and door handles with disinfectant. Whilst our cleaning is usually done after hours, you may see staff disinfecting equipment during or between classes. This is no cause for alarm and is just precautionary.

Our small handheld equipment/toys (such as that used at Playnastics) has always been disinfected at the end of the day (way to go Coach Maria!). We are now also disinfecting any hand apparatus used in Kinder Gym and School-age classes.

Just like during flu season, we are asking staff to wash their hands (using correct handwashing technique) before and after class. Coaches that teach multiple classes on the one day are washing hands between each class.

We have a plentiful supply of disinfectant, soap, hand sanitiser and toilet paper.

What do we want families to do?

Just like during flu season we want families to take reasonable precautions.

  • Keep sick kids home. If your child is displaying any flu or viral type symptoms do not bring them to gym. ** Remember if you get a medical certificate, we will credit you for any missed classes. Children that "appear to be sick" or that are coughing and sneezing will be removed from class and asked to go home.

  • Encourage children to wash their hands (using soap) before and after class.

  • Parents / other adults / siblings / visitors to EKGA are also to wash hands upon entering the facility.

  • Teach children how to sneeze into their elbow or shoulder, instead of into their hands.

  • Encourage children to cover their mouths when coughing.

  • Encourage kids to keep their hands to themselves (limit hand holding etc). We will be eliminating partner work and reducing close contact where possible.

  • Send kids to gym with a full water bottle - the drink tap is out of bounds until further notice.

Fact sheets and other resources are available at

If you have returned from other overseas travel within the past 14 days, please continue to check the Australian Government website for updates and if required to self isolate, keep the children home from Gymnastics.

Kind Regards,

Christy Hemphill




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